Meet Toco! A japanese man who fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming a dog. Created: 03/08/2024 Last updated: 04/08/2024 |
Why are we talking about Toco?
03/08/2024 He's an example of someone, despite the stigmas of common day society, who is willing to be themselves and fulfill their own desires without, of course, causing direct harm to anyone (as far as I'm aware). In what I've personally seen of Toco, he seems to be a simple individual with a simple desire: To be an animal.
Though uncanny to some, primarily due to factors at play of the human anatomy not quite being suited for a dog physique, the occurrence of people desiring to be animals isn't all that uncommon. Especially in common-day online life, I am certain people have gotten some sort of knowledge on the term "Therian". If not, its meaning is simply: "someone who identifies as a specific non-human animal. Spiritually, psychologically, and emotionally" In other words, it is someone who identifies more with a specific animal, rather than their human self.
In that sense, Toco could perhaps be considered a Therian. Though I myself am hesitant to say so with confidence as Toco hasn't shown any sort of strong connection of his animals of choice: Dogs. To be more specific, A Rough Collie, and in his later videos an Alaskan Malamute. His desire is a simple "I want to be an animal" and no particular strong connection to a Rough Collie in regards to his personal identity. In an Interview he states "The reason I chose a Collie dog breed specifically, is primarily because I like raising them. And also, secondly, if it wasn't a naturally large size breed, it would look unnaturally disproportionate when worn by someone as a costume" (This was a translation from Japanese, and may contain minor errors.)
But still, why do I feel the need to dedicate a page to Toco?
I'll keep the answer simple: I look up to him. And to add to that, I have an interest (perhaps morbid to some) for the unusual. Especially when it involves anything with a supposed "eerie" quality to it (Though, ironically, most of the time I find it charming). Also in this case, I find Toco to be quite relatable for reasons I shall elaborate upon.
Depending on who is aware of his content, there's an extreme between people horrified and people, primarily those who relate to him, admiring and adoring him and his furry antics. Due to a recent height in my personal interest in Toco (As frankly, I find him to be quite adorable) I decided I'd write a page on Toco, the topic of identifying as an animal and the boundary between the unusual and downright unacceptable.
Toco and his recent companion
Who is Toco, really?
All that is known of him is that he is a Japanese man, who goes by the name 'Toco' akin to one would have a penname or a nickname. Though it is difficult to know exactly how much he spent on the Rough Collie costume (As different sources output different information) 'Toco' supposedly spent $12.000 to $16.000 in Japanese yen on the Rough Collie suit, provided by the workshop 'Zeppet'. The Alaskan Malamute, according to his Twitter page, cost 1.5 times the amount his Rough Collie suit costed. Due to a tail wagging function, camera view and an opening mouth.
Toco posted his first video to Youtube in the year 2022, and has since developed the courage to go outside with the suit and experimented with regular dog activities (Though these attempts are often times clumsy due to the restrictions of a suit). Toco has stated that ever since he was a child he had vague fantasies about being an animal, and decided to make this dream a reality.
Toco has showcased quite some self-awareness on the topic, and keeps his personal life and his life as 'Toco' separate from one another. He rather not be known for who he is in-person, and in an video where he answers some questions he states. "I feel a bit of an inferiority complex about it, so I rarely talk about it with others. If anyone notices who I am, please don't tell anyone around me!" Fortunately, his identity has yet to be revealed, and I hope it remains that way unless he willingly puts his identity on display. He has stated he has told the people close to him, including his family, who seem to be accepting of this hobby.
Toco has also stated he doesn't always wear this suit, and tends to wear it perhaps once a week at home, he also refers to it as a 'costume' which shows he does see it as a role to get into rather than the entirety of his identity. Though I am unsure how up to date this information is today as it has aged from about two years ago. Nevertheless, it would be foolish to believe this isn't a man with a regular life. As for his identity 'Toco', he has stated he would like to meet other people who dress up as dogs, which seems to have occured in his later videos (At least, he found people to participate with his hobby with him). Toco has also stated he would like to be a dog in a movie one day.
There isn't much else known about Toco, and I would like to leave it this way. Since what wonder is there if we know the ins and outs of him, or any individual for that matter? My hopes for Toco is that his identity remains untainted outside of those who can't be bothered to understand the whats and whys. Despite skepticism in regard to fetish and zoophilia, my first impression of Toco is that he is not involved in such categories, or at least refuses to put his image on such content. Therefore, if I were to describe Toco I'd describe him as he describes himself: He wanted to be an animal, so he became a Rough Collie! Aside from that, I find him rather humorous through his self-awareness and find 'Toco' charmingly cute.
?How in dogs name is Toco relatable?
04/08/2024 As stated previously, Toco is not the first person to express a desire to be an animal. Most prominent in this regard may perhaps be the furry community, who generally do desire a more animal-like persona. Though this is primarily through appearance and perhaps animal mannerisms at best. It is unfortunate the name has been somewhat tainted by people who sexualize these activities, but nevertheless a great majority of furries you may find just have some sort of vague desire to BE an animal, albeit an animal more akin to human.
That said, I've had my experiences with wanting to be an animal myself. Admittedly, I feel like I can understand them better, and in turn I relate to them more than I ever have my human peers. I was raised with cats myself, and frankly I considered them to be more akin to siblings to me. I was an only child, my parents weren't on good terms, and my friends never quite liked me. So in a way those cats were the only thing I had in comfortable companionship during that lifetime. Dogs too, my ma's abusive ex used to have three big untrained dogs, one of which the pup of the two. I was always sat in the back of the car with them, and they'd go around jumping and scratching me. They hurt me, but I never quite minded. Once more they may have been the only sort of mutual understanding I felt in that home. In a way, through their and my own emotional/behavioural neglect there was a kinship of sorts.
There's always some sort of psychology behind the desire to be an animal, but the most commonly I have seen is that people who have been born different stray from the idea of being human, primarily because they may have been treated akin to an animal. So put two and two together, it makes sense to be an animal if you've never been given the respect of a human being, doesn't it? Of course, this isn't always the case. Animals are quite lovable after all, and people always find themselves desiring things they can not have or become. In that sense, wanting to be an animal is perhaps as normal as wanting a promotion, or wanting to start a family. It's just because it is presented as this sort of socially unacceptable matter that people follow along and bleat out the same chants of disgust to a matter I myself find not all that bizarre. Because that is what it is, isn't it? Familiarity. If those around you yap and yap about how people who dress up as animals are zoophiles, freaks, abnormal, which normal person WOULDN'T be disgusted? Why SHOULDN'T you believe what those around you say? Of course, this is a matter that can apply to many subjects and not only to people who are like our friend Toco.
There are many factors to keep in mind for any psychological matters. Environmental, genetic, experience.. Even the smallest matter can shape a person so very drastically. It is quite surreal, but if you ask me that is what makes life so intriguing.
Compilation of 'Human animals'
Okay, but how do we differentiate the acceptable from unacceptable?
Unfortunately, it's not as black and white as it may seem. Of course, there is the simple matter of "If they have openly/been revealed to have abused, intentionally harmed anyone or sexualized animals and/or children or anyone else who stated they didn't want to be viewed such a way, it's unacceptable." That's my boundary in the matter, at least. But unfortunately it isn't always as clear as that. Leaving a lot up to interpretation and guess work.
The unfortunate fact of the matter is, as long as there is no evidence intentional harm was done it is quite difficult for us to judge beyond mere dislike or discomfort, right? Though it is always okay to follow your gut and distance from those you feel uncomfortable with, it's still rather complicated to mark someone as "right" or "wrong". That said, this applies to everything. One may defend a murderer, as it was self-defense. But one may also defend a murderer with full intention, and make up the BELIEF it may have been self-defense. It is a rather vague moral stance you got to take with such matters. And you have to figure what mannerisms are signs of something you do not tolerate, and what mannerisms are just a showcase of mere individualism and nothing particularly disturbed.
In the end, we're all different. And no human is without flaw or anything that taints their image. Something as simple as affairs, or bullying, to the the more grim side of the coin. Inevitably, life is a variety of factors, much grander than one can imagine. Though it makes it easier for you, or anyone, to approach life with an open mind. It's a delicate balance, to be accepting, to love, to understand, compared to being tolerable to rotten behaviour and allowing yourself to be affected. I myself have not always aligned with my own image of morality, though I can say I've always approached the topic in the perspective of a victim, not an abuser per se. Therefore, I myself as a person could be considered rather morally grey to accept in its entirety. More so than the average person, and I am quite well-aware of this. But I strive to better myself and avoid causing hurt or discomfort whilst staying true to myself, and therefore I am okay as I am. Though not everyone may agree. I hope that being confident in that for myself, it shall allow people to consider viewing themselves that way as well. Because inevitably, you allow yourself to be shaped. Even if others may have an impact, YOU have the choice to make it into something better, or worse.
Toco's blooper video
To get back on the topic of Toco himself, I find him to be quite the charming individual. In his interviews he comes across as polite and just like any other person.. Or dog? Human in dog costume?. He has casual humour, and recognizes not everything he does in his costume is 'cute' per se. In his bloopers video he showcases some lighthearted self-deprecating humour that I personally really appreciate. He doesn't seem to get consumed by some sort of self-pity, but acknowledges the difficulties his suits bring in a light manner. I think that is quite admirable, and rather funny!
Maybe it is just me, but the clumsiness and somewhat uncanny movement the costume causes is actually rather adorable to me! It brings some sense of childhood back, does it not? Toco has had vague dreams of becoming an animal ever since he was young, and as seen in many people akin to him it all tends to come from some childhood sense of play-pretend. To inhabit some of that, albeit at times uncute, clumsiness to it.. Doesn't that bring back some sense of childlike uncoordination? In a way, I find that aspect of his suit a bit poetic.
Admittedly, I have yet to watch all of Toco's video, and my research on him, as well as the subject on human animals is quite 'tip of the iceberg' in a way.. Perhaps, as I get deeper into the topic, I can talk more about this lingering fascination and add onto this page!